10 shortcuts to lose weight

Blogging Vibe
3 min readFeb 8, 2020


Water, in addition to helping us eliminate toxins, allows us to stay satiated and improves our digestions, so it is essential in our day to day, 10 shortcuts to lose weight.

Having a stable and healthy weight has become one of the main needs of all human beings. Given that there are many who are trying to achieve it, here we talk about certain 10 shortcuts to lose weight.

Overweight and obesity are factors that trigger serious health conditions such as cardiac pathologies.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are the two main causes of weight gain above appropriate levels. However, it is proven that constant stress, anxiety and harmful habits such as alcohol and cigarette consumption also influence.

To reduce the body mass index to stable levels, it is crucial to modify daily habits and try to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

In this sense, there are 10 healthy “shortcuts” with which the goal can be achieved without risking health. Next, we share them in detail.

Shortcuts to lose weight.

1. Moderate alcohol consumption

Moderate alcohol consumption
Moderate alcohol consumption

Shortcuts to lose weight: moderate alcohol consumption

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the factors that people ignore most when they want to lose weight. While these do not pose a great risk when taken moderately, they do influence overweight due to their high calorie index.

If we add to this that almost everyone associates their intake with fast food and soft drinks, then we are more convinced of why they prevent having a healthy weight.

2. Avoid eating late at night

The dinner schedule is decisive to maintain weight control. Those with the bad habit of eating food after 9 p.m. tend to be more obese.

This is because the body does not have enough time to digest meals well. Then they end up accumulating as fat.

As if that were not enough, they also cause difficulty sleeping and can lead to more calories in the course of the night.

Getting used to dinner early and a light meal is part of the shortcuts to lose weight. It is also a healthy habit.

3. Increase water consumption

Shortcuts to lose weight: increase water consumption

Once and a thousand times we have stressed the importance of drinking water to maintain a healthier body. This precious liquid participates in the functions of vital organs and also plays a fundamental role in what has to do with beauty.

As for weight, it is an excellent help. Well, it helps clean toxins and improves metabolism. Its consumption increases the feeling of satiety and is essential to maintain a good digestive process.

4. Adopt an exercise routine

The practice of daily physical activity is the best complement to burn calories. Although food is perhaps the most influential factor, exercise is an excellent way to get better results.

Given that you have to eat less and spend more, it is necessary to look for a type of training that includes cardiovascular and resistance movements.

5. Sleep well

Not maintaining an adequate sleep schedule is a great enemy for the figure. Not getting enough sleep increases the segregation of hormones that stimulate appetite and lead to eating more calories due.

please read more here: https://www.bloggingvibe.com/10-shortcuts-to-lose-weight-in-a-healthy-and-fast-way/



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